Panther Gap

Panther Gap

This title has a release date of April 4, 2023. See below for more information.

Publisher: Flatiron Books

Panther Gap Release Date

Panther Gap releases April 4, 2023

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Panther Gap Release Date


April 4, 2023

Panther Gap Release Date

Panther Gap released on April 4, 2023.

Panther Gap Synopsis

The thrilling follow-up to the Edgar Awardwinning Bearskin, about two siblings on the verge of inheriting millions but who discover dark secrets in their family’s past.

Siblings Bowman and Summer were raised by their father and two uncles on a remote Colorado ranch. They react differently to his radical teachings and the confusions of adolescence. As young adults, they become estranged but are brought back together in their thirties by the prospect of an illegal and potentially dangerous inheritance from their grandfather. They must ultimately reconcile with each other and their past in order to defeat ruthless criminal forces trying to extort the inheritance.

Set in the rugged American West and populated by drug cartels, shadowy domestic terrorists, and nefarious business interests, Panther Gap shows James McLaughlin’s talents on full display: gorgeous environmental writing, a white-knuckle thriller plot, and characters dealing with legacy, identity, and their own place in the world.

James A. McLaughlin

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