Paranoia (Michael Bennett #17)

Paranoia (Michael Bennett #17)
Paranoia (Michael Bennett #17)
Paranoia (Michael Bennett #17)

This title has a release date of February 10, 2025. See below for more information.

Paranoia (Michael Bennett #17) Release Date

Paranoia (Michael Bennett #17) releases February 10, 2025

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Paranoia (Michael Bennett #17) Release Date


February 10, 2025

Paranoia (Michael Bennett #17) Release Date

Paranoia (Michael Bennett #17) is slated to release February 10, 2025.

Paranoia (Michael Bennett #17) Synopsis

Detective Michael Bennett has many admirers. One of them is killing cops and coming after his family.

Detective Michael Bennett says a prayer every time he witnesses a death. In his line of work, it happens frequently. But Bennett’s attended so many police funerals lately, his deepening sadness is crossing into the zone of suspicion.

After the service for yet another fallen member of the NYPD, Inspector Celeste Cantor approaches. Though now an influential and high-ranking leader, she and Bennett worked patrol together in the Bronx years ago.

“I want you to look at these deaths on special assignment,” Cantor says. “Report only to me.”

Is someone actually targeting NYPD officers, or is the explanation even more disturbing? With a new baby on the way, Bennett’s protective instincts—as a father, a colleague, and a detective—have never been sharper.

Genre: Thriller

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