Sweet Stubborn Love (Stanislaskis)

Sweet Stubborn Love (Stanislaskis)
Sweet Stubborn Love (Stanislaskis)
Sweet Stubborn Love (Stanislaskis)

This title has a release date of January 25, 2025. See below for more information.

Sweet Stubborn Love (Stanislaskis) Release Date

Sweet Stubborn Love (Stanislaskis) releases January 25, 2025

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Sweet Stubborn Love (Stanislaskis) Release Date


January 25, 2025

Sweet Stubborn Love (Stanislaskis) Release Date

Sweet Stubborn Love (Stanislaskis) is slated to release January 25, 2025.

Sweet Stubborn Love (Stanislaskis) Synopsis

Join the Stanislaski siblings for two classic stories of sweet and stubborn love.

Luring a Lady

Nothing in Sydney Hayward’s background of wealth and privilege had prepared her to take the helm of her grandfather’s business. Her new responsibilities leave no time for complications. Sydney has learned the hard way that she can’t trust anyone, but her tenant, Mikhail, is hard to resist. Down-to-earth yet stubborn, he comes from a world utterly different from her own. She doesn’t have room in her life for romance, but Mikhail seems to know exactly how to win her over—one smoldering kiss at a time.

Falling for Rachel

Lawyer Rachel Stanislaski is assigned to watch over teenage delinquent Nicholas LeBeck, and the last thing she needs is Nick’s hotheaded stepbrother storming into her courtroom. Zack Muldoon is protective and stubborn, but whether he likes it or not, he needs Rachel’s help—both to keep Nick out of trouble and to reconnect with him. Rachel knows the importance of a family bond, but she hasn’t considered what excitement—or complications—a blossoming romance could add to their agreement. Zack and Rachel’s chemistry is hard to ignore, and the two could be falling for each other faster than they realize.

Genre: Romance

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