The West Passage

The West Passage

This title has a release date of July 16, 2024. See below for more information.

The West Passage Release Date

The West Passage releases July 16, 2024

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The West Passage Release Date


July 16, 2024

The West Passage Release Date

The West Passage is slated to release July 16, 2024.

The West Passage Synopsis


“The West Passage is a dangerous book of secrets.” ―Travis Baldree, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Legends & Lattes

“A weird and wonderful tale, rich with imagination and utterly unique.” ―Sunyi Dean, author of The Book Eaters

“One of the finest fantasies of this decade, a sweeping swarm of fiercely human creativity.” ―Indrapramit Das, author of The Devourers

When the Guardian of the West Passage died in her bed, the women of Grey Tower fed her to the crows and went back to their chores. No successor was named as Guardian, no one took up the fallen blade; the West Passage went unguarded.

Now, snow blankets Grey in the height of summer, foretelling the coming of the Beast. The too-young Mother of Grey House and the Guardian’s unnamed squire set out to save their people.

Their narrow shoulders bear a heavy burden. Before them lies the West Passage, home to horrors and delights that defy imagining. None can say if they’ll reach their destinations, but one thing is for sure: the world is about to change.

Genre: Fantasy

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