92 Pacific Boulevard (Cedar Cove #9)

92 Pacific Boulevard (Cedar Cove #9)
92 Pacific Boulevard (Cedar Cove #9)
92 Pacific Boulevard (Cedar Cove #9)

This title has a release date of June 25, 2024. See below for more information.

Written by: Debbie Macomber


92 Pacific Boulevard (Cedar Cove #9) Release Date

92 Pacific Boulevard (Cedar Cove #9) releases June 25, 2024

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Countdown to the release of 92 Pacific Boulevard (Cedar Cove #9)


June 25, 2024

92 Pacific Boulevard (Cedar Cove #9) released on June 25, 2024.

92 Pacific Boulevard (Cedar Cove #9) Synopsis

The small town of Cedar Cove will always welcome you back with open arms.

Sometimes people may have trouble admitting that they are in love. Sheriff Troy Davis is a widower, and he thought he was ready to move on. His high school sweetheart, Faith Beckwith, recently returned to town, and it had seemed they were going to be a couple again. Then some misunderstandings got in the way.

Troy has plenty else to keep him occupied, though—like the unidentified remains found in a cave outside town. And the break-ins at the house Faith just happens to be renting from Grace Harding. And as Judge Olivia Lockhart deals with health challenges, the community rallies around her.

For Troy and Faith, Cedar Cove is the kind of town where you can fix your past mistakes and discover what the future holds.

Cedar Cove

Book 2: 204 Rosewood Lane
Book 4: 44 Cranberry Point
Book 5: 50 Harbor Street
Book 6: 6 Rainier Drive
Book 7: 74 Seaside Avenue
Book 8: 8 Sandpiper Way
Book 9: 92 Pacific Boulevard
Book 10: 1022 Evergreen Place
Book 11: 1105 Yakima Street
Book 12: 1225 Christmas Tree Lane

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