After Dark

After Dark
After Dark
After Dark

This title has a release date of November 14, 2023. See below for more information.

Written by: Minka Kent

Publisher: Thomas & Mercer

After Dark Release Date

After Dark releases November 14, 2023

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After Dark Release Date


November 14, 2023

After Dark Release Date

After Dark released on November 14, 2023.

After Dark Synopsis

She’s a pariah with a killer past. Her bid to escape it is nothing short of terrifying in a heart-pounding novel of suspense by Washington Post and Wall Street Journal bestselling author Minka Kent.

Afton Teachout has been an outcast in her small town for twenty years―ever since she was accused of murdering her mother’s lover in a blackout fit of rage. That is, if one believes the malicious lies.

Living with her grandmother, working a hotel night shift, and relying on pills to get a day’s sleep, Afton is due a little luck. It comes in the form of an unexpected financial windfall. With her newfound wealth, Afton sets a secret plan in motion to help her only friend, Sydney, flee a toxic husband. But the best intentions soon spin out of control.

Afton is getting unsettling calls from a restricted number, and someone has been lingering outside her home. As Sydney’s troubled marriage comes into focus, so does Afton’s past. Her second chance―for herself and for Sydney―isn’t what she dreamed of at all. In fact, it’s becoming a nightmare.

Genre: Thriller

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