

This title has a release date of July 11, 2023. See below for more information.

Publisher: IDW Publishing

Arca Release Date

Arca releases July 11, 2023

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Arca Release Date


July 11, 2023

Arca Release Date

Arca released on July 11, 2023.

Arca Synopsis

The planet is dying, the rich are escaping, and absolutely nothing is what it seems in this thrilling new dystopian graphic novel.

The world burned. But the rich and powerful…they had a plan. When society fell apart, a select group of billionaires had an escape hatch: a rocket aimed at the nearest habitable planet, a ship equipped with many of the luxuries of life on Earth—why survive if you can’t survive in style? Their every need is tended to by teenagers who are willing to act as slaves in return for the promise of a new life. This is a good story. But, like so many stories, it is not true.

Inside a great, sealed survival chamber, one slave—a teenage girl named Persephone—discovers that the promised future of comfort is a myth. And with that knowledge, she must fight for her survival against the billionaires, who would gladly kill her to protect the hidden truth.

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