Britain’s Landmarks And Landscapes

Britain’s Landmarks And Landscapes
Britain’s Landmarks And Landscapes
Britain’s Landmarks And Landscapes

This title has a release date of December 15, 2023. See below for more information.

Written by: Jo Woolf

Britain’s Landmarks And Landscapes Release Date

Britain’s Landmarks And Landscapes releases December 15, 2023

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Countdown to the release of Britain’s Landmarks And Landscapes


December 15, 2023

Britain’s Landmarks And Landscapes released on December 15, 2023.

Britain’s Landmarks And Landscapes Synopsis

Discover the history, legends and folklore of Britain’s most intriguing landmarks

This beautifully illustrated book reveals the secrets and stories of fifty icons of Britain’s landscape.

Some are natural wonders, such as Cheddar Gorge, Sherwood Forest and the white cliffs of Dover. Others were made by our distant ancestors: the standing stones of Avebury and Calanais, the Uffington White Horse, the burial mounds of Sutton Hoo.

Discover how they came to be, the legends and traditions that surround them, and how they have inspired famous writers and poets. Reconnect with our ancient landscape with this fascinating and surprising guide.

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