Carnival Quest (The Candy Shop War #3)

Carnival Quest (The Candy Shop War #3)
Carnival Quest (The Candy Shop War #3)
Carnival Quest (The Candy Shop War #3)

This title has a release date of March 14, 2023. See below for more information.

Written by: Brandon Mull

Carnival Quest (The Candy Shop War #3) Release Date

Carnival Quest (The Candy Shop War #3) releases March 14, 2023

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Countdown to the release of Carnival Quest (The Candy Shop War #3)


March 14, 2023

Carnival Quest (The Candy Shop War #3) released on March 14, 2023.

Carnival Quest (The Candy Shop War #3) Synopsis

The long-awaited finale of the best-selling series!

The Blue Falcons is a secret kid’s club that fights against a family of villainous magicians. Using an impressive arsenal of magical candy, Nate, Summer, Trevor, and Pigeon defeated Belinda White, a sinister candy shop owner who almost seized control of their town, and her brother, Jonas White, a maniacal arcade operator who tried to turn the planet into his personal puppet.

Now, the Blue Falcons believe they must battle the third sibling―Camilla, who has brought the Dreams and Screams International Carnival to their town of Colson, California.

Rumors are spreading about the new carnival. Those who visit feel compelled to return. Some who enter the labyrinthine Fun House disappear for days. And the Big Top is said to bewitch audience members.

The Blue Falcons think they know who is responsible and are ready to fight, but the carnival blocks any outside magic. Without their favorite enchanted treats, how can the kids save their town?

When weird dreams start to plague everyone who has visited the carnival, the worlds of magic and reality collide. With the help of a new magical enforcer, the Blue Falcons will need to learn to use the magic of the carnival against itself, including a host of new magical carnival candies, and tap into the power of their own dreams to battle their greatest adversary yet.

Brandon Mull

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