Darling Girls

Darling Girls

This title has a release date of April 23, 2024. See below for more information.

Darling Girls Release Date

Darling Girls releases April 23, 2024

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Darling Girls Release Date


April 23, 2024

Darling Girls Release Date

Darling Girls released on April 23, 2024.

Darling Girls Synopsis


Sally Hepworth’s new novel has it all.For as long as they can remember, Jessica, Norah, and Alicia have been told how lucky they are. As young girls they were rescued from family tragedies and raised by a loving foster mother, Miss Fairchild, on an idyllic farming estate and given an elusive second chance at a happy family life.

But their childhood wasn’t the fairy tale everyone thinks it was. Miss Fairchild had rules. Miss Fairchild could be unpredictable. And Miss Fairchild was never, ever to be crossed. In a moment of desperation, the three broke away from Miss Fairchild and thought they were free. Even though they never saw her again, she was always somewhere in the shadows of their minds. When a body is discovered under the home they grew up in, the foster sisters find themselves thrust into the spotlight as key witnesses. Or are they prime suspects?

A thrilling page-turner of sisterhood, secrets, love, and murder by New York Times bestselling author Sally Hepworth.

Genre: Thriller

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