Dead Man’s Hand (Pike Logan #18)

Dead Man's Hand (Pike Logan #18)
Dead Man's Hand (Pike Logan #18)
Dead Man's Hand (Pike Logan #18)

This title has a release date of January 23, 2024. See below for more information.

Dead Man's Hand (Pike Logan #18) Release Date

Dead Man's Hand (Pike Logan #18) releases January 23, 2024

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Countdown to the release of Dead Man's Hand (Pike Logan #18)


January 23, 2024

Dead Man's Hand (Pike Logan #18) released on January 23, 2024.

Dead Man's Hand (Pike Logan #18) Synopsis

New York Times bestselling author and former special forces officer Brad Taylor is back with a propulsive and topical edge-of-your-seat thriller featuring Pike Logan as he goes head-to-head with Putin’s henchmen.

To finally end the war between their nations, a rogue band of Ukranian partisans known as the Wolves teams up with members of Russia’s military intelligence to assassinate Vladimir Putin.

But Putin is aware of the traitors in his midst and assigns the loyal commander of the Russian National Guard to root them out. It’s a mission Victor Petrov is expected to undertake after he prevents Sweden from joining NATO—by assassinating a deputy minister of foreign affairs.

After receiving intelligence about the threat in Sweden, the United States sends Pike Logan to identify Petrov’s target—only for him to get caught in the crossfire between Putin’s agents and the Wolves. When the smoke clears, Pike makes no effort to stop the Wolves on their ultimate mission, believing it just, until he discovers that their operation has unimaginable consequences.

For Putin is preparing a devastating endgame: activating the Dead Man’s Hand nuclear response that will launch Russia’s missiles in the event of his death. . .

Genre: Thriller

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