Dirty Lying Faeries

Dirty Lying Faeries
Dirty Lying Faeries
Dirty Lying Faeries

This title has a release date of August 23, 2022. See below for more information.

Written by: Sabrina Blackburry

Dirty Lying Faeries Release Date

Dirty Lying Faeries releases August 23, 2022

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Countdown to the release of Dirty Lying Faeries


August 23, 2022

Dirty Lying Faeries released on August 23, 2022.

Dirty Lying Faeries Synopsis

For better or for worse, the newest changeling has arrived . . .

When Thea Kanelos’s best friend drags her to an art gala (that’s definitely not her thing), she doesn’t expect a chance encounter with Devin Grayson to change her life forever. The handsome stranger isn’t just anyone―he’s a powerful fae, charged with bringing Thea into his world.

Believing that she’s always been human, Thea must accept that everything she’s known about herself up until now has been a lie. She’s not human at all. She is a fae―funny, because she doesn’t even believe in faeries.

But with strange creatures now visible on the street and fangs and colors flashing in the shadows, it can’t be denied: faeries are real. And with the Winter Solstice approaching, a magnificent ball will bring her fully into the fae world and draw her closer to Devin with whom she has a deepening and dangerous attraction.

As her new powers awaken, Thea learns she plays a more pivotal role to the fae than she ever imagined. And when the barrier between the human and the fae worlds begins to crack, it will be up to her to save not just herself, but everyone she loves from a terrible fate.

Deeply sensual and darkly magical, Dirty Lying Faeries is the first book in an exciting new series that takes readers inside a universe filled with faeries, dragons and werewolves–and those that love them.

Sabrina Blackburry

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