Don’t Back Down (Secrets And Shadows #1)

Don't Back Down (Secrets And Shadows #1)
Don't Back Down (Secrets And Shadows #1)
Don’t Back Down (Secrets And Shadows #1)

This title has a release date of March 7, 2023. See below for more information.

Written by: Sharon Sala

Don’t Back Down (Secrets And Shadows #1) Release Date

Don’t Back Down (Secrets And Shadows #1) releases March 7, 2023

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Countdown to the release of Don’t Back Down (Secrets And Shadows #1)


March 7, 2023

Don’t Back Down (Secrets And Shadows #1) released on March 7, 2023.

Don’t Back Down (Secrets And Shadows #1) Synopsis

He barely has time to catch his breath…

Army veteran Cameron Pope arrives back in Jubilee, Kentucky, for the first time in years. He barely has time to catch his breath when he becomes embroiled in a race of life or death for his little niece and a deadly hunt for the human traffickers who are destroying the peace of his mountain town. When he’s reunited with Rusty Caldwell—a woman from his past he’s never stopped thinking about—he wants to believe they can finally be together. But Rusty belongs to one of the rich families in Jubilee—the same rich folks who scorn the rural families living on the surrounding mountainside. Cameron and Rusty will have to find a way to end the feuding and take down the human trafficking ring if they’re to have any chance at happiness.

Praise for Sharon Sala’s romantic suspense:

“Vivid, gripping…this thriller keeps the pages turning.”—Library Journal for Torn Apart

“Skillfully balancing suspense and romance, Sala gives readers a nonstop breath-holding adventure.”—Publishers Weekly for Going Once

“Exciting…will keep you glued to the pages.”—USA Today for Life of Lies

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