Figure It Out, Henri Weldon

Figure It Out, Henri Weldon
Figure It Out, Henri Weldon
Figure It Out, Henri Weldon

This title has a release date of January 17, 2023. See below for more information.

Written by: Tanita S. Davis

Figure It Out, Henri Weldon Release Date

Figure It Out, Henri Weldon releases January 17, 2023

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Countdown to the release of Figure It Out, Henri Weldon


January 17, 2023

Figure It Out, Henri Weldon released on January 17, 2023.

Figure It Out, Henri Weldon Synopsis

Tanita S. Davis, author of Partly Cloudy and Serena Says, has written another funny, warm story featuring middle school and family life—all about the complex calculations it takes for everyone to balance the equations of their lives and what it takes to be part of a team while handling a learning disability. This middle grade novel is perfect for fans of From the Desk of Zoe Washington and A Good Kind of Trouble.

Seventh grader Henrietta Weldon gets to switch schools—finally! She’ll be “mainstreaming” into public school, leaving her special education school behind. She can’t wait for her new schedule, new friends, and new classes.

Henri’s dyscalculia, a learning disability that makes math challenging to process and understand, is what she expects to give her problems. What she doesn’t expect is a family feud with her sister over her new friends, joining the girls’ soccer team, and discovering poetry. Henri’s tutor and new friend, Vinnie, reminds her to take it slow. One problem at a time.

If Henri Weldon has twenty-four hours in a day, and she has two siblings who dislike her four new friends, two hours of soccer practice, seven hours of classes, and three hours of homework . . . she has:

A. No free time

B. No idea how to make everyone happy

C. No time to figure it out, Henri Weldon!

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