Gryphon In Light (Kelvren’s Saga #1)

Gryphon In Light (Kelvren's Saga #1)
Gryphon In Light (Kelvren's Saga #1)
Gryphon In Light (Kelvren's Saga #1)

This title has a release date of July 25, 2023. See below for more information.

Publisher: DAW

Gryphon In Light (Kelvren's Saga #1) Release Date

Gryphon In Light (Kelvren's Saga #1) releases July 25, 2023

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Countdown to the release of Gryphon In Light (Kelvren's Saga #1)


July 25, 2023

Gryphon In Light (Kelvren's Saga #1) released on July 25, 2023.

Gryphon In Light (Kelvren's Saga #1) Synopsis

Set in the beloved and New York Times world of Valdemar, this first book in a new trilogy returns to the tales of the majestic gryphons.

On the border between Valdemar and the deadly Pelagirs Forest, the gryphon hero Kelvren returns from a near-fatal self-sacrifice that won him the approval of Valdemar’s ground troops, but caused a diplomatic crisis. Frustrated by his lack of a hero’s welcome, Kelvren is talked into helping with an expedition by his old friend, Firesong.

Firesong struggles with his own age and mortality, and he intends to solve a vast mystery at the center of legendary Lake Evendim as his crowning achievement. Just getting the multicultural fleet underway is a challenge, but what awaits them is a situation none of them could expect.

Set in the beloved fantasy realm of Valdemar, Gryphon in Light is adventurous epic fantasy at its best.

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