

This title has a release date of March 21, 2023. See below for more information.

Infinity Release Date

Infinity releases March 21, 2023

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Infinity Release Date


March 21, 2023

Infinity Release Date

Infinity released on March 21, 2023.

Infinity Synopsis

Ghostly figures playing tricks on the minds of the ordinary while wandering the halls of a New England inn. A locale known as the Disappearing Place, where souls inexplicably vanished over five decades. What does infinity hold? Does anything or anyone get buried and remain quiet for all time, or is death just a second life that lasts forever? From traversing the gnarled roots of trees reaching from the sand like claws, to the moment where one finds out the price of justice and who serves it, to a masquerade that can be murder-this collection was created to frighten, engage, entice and, worse yet, make you wonder what awaits you in eternity when your number is up.
To believe in infinity means you must acknowledge that all things are possible, and Suspense Publishing has brought together a menu of bestselling authors to express their beliefs in those endless possibilities. Using the art of mystery and suspense, these well-known writers have merged their innate talents to create INFINITY.
This haunting choir of voices is made up of your favorites who have elevated the literary scene with their astounding books: Kelley Armstrong, Allison Brennan, J.T. Ellison, Jamie Freveletti, K.J. Howe, Darynda Jones, Shannon Kirk, Tosca Lee, Sheila Lowe, Isabella Maldonado, Susan Santangelo, Susan Wingate, and Daryl Wood Gerber. Edited by one of the very best, Catherine Coulter, this anthology consists of memorable tales that open doors into thrilling and chilling realms you never knew existed.
A portion of the proceeds will go to breast cancer research.

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