Just Another Missing Person

Just Another Missing Person
Just Another Missing Person
Just Another Missing Person

This title has a release date of August 1, 2023. See below for more information.

Written by: Gillian McAllister

Just Another Missing Person Release Date

Just Another Missing Person releases August 1, 2023

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Countdown to the release of Just Another Missing Person


August 1, 2023

Just Another Missing Person released on August 1, 2023.

Just Another Missing Person Synopsis

From the author of the Reese’s Book Club Pick and the New York Times bestseller Wrong Place Wrong Time comes a new heart-stopping thriller in which a missing-person case unravels deeper, darker secrets that hit too close to home and can only lead to more danger for the detective and an impossible moral choice: What will she do?

There’s a man out there. His weapon isn’t a gun, or a knife. It’s a secret.


22 years old.

No history of running away.

Last seen on CCTV, entering a dead-end alley.

And not coming back out again.

Missing for one day and counting . . .


The detective heading up the case.

She knows what to expect. A desperate family, a ticking clock, and long hours away from her daughter.

But Julia has no idea how close to home this case is going to get.

Because her family’s safety depends on one thing: Julia must not find out what happened to Olivia and must frame somebody else for her murder . . .

What would you do?

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