Keep Her Secret

Keep Her Secret
Keep Her Secret
Keep Her Secret

This title has a release date of May 30, 2023. See below for more information.

Written by: Mark Edwards

Publisher: Thomas & Mercer

Keep Her Secret Release Date

Keep Her Secret releases May 30, 2023

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Keep Her Secret Release Date


May 30, 2023

Keep Her Secret Release Date

Keep Her Secret released on May 30, 2023.

Keep Her Secret Synopsis

In this sinister tale from 4 million copy bestselling author Mark Edwards, a deadly secret turns a couple’s new romance into a nightmare. And they’re not the only ones who know the truth…

After twenty years apart, Matthew and Helena have rekindled their college romance and are away in Iceland on their first holiday together. Swept up in the romance on a mountain hike, one moment they are taking the perfect photo, the next Helena is plunging over the cliff edge…

Terrified, Matthew almost misses Helena’s sudden and shocking confession—but what he hears chills him to the bone. And when Helena reveals the full truth Matthew is horrified, not only by what she’s done, but why she did it. Does he really know her at all?

His shock turns to horror when, back in England, they discover that someone not only overheard Helena’s confession but plans to blackmail her. Now Matthew must decide whether to go to the police or help Helena keep her secret—and as events spiral out of control, how far is Matthew willing to go to protect his ‘perfect’ girlfriend?

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