Legends And Liars (Echoes And Empires #2)

Legends And Liars (Echoes And Empires #2)

This title has a release date of June 13, 2023. See below for more information.

Written by: Morgan Rhodes

Legends And Liars (Echoes And Empires #2) Release Date

Legends And Liars (Echoes And Empires #2) releases June 13, 2023

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Countdown to the release of Legends And Liars (Echoes And Empires #2)


June 13, 2023

Legends And Liars (Echoes And Empires #2) released on June 13, 2023.

Legends And Liars (Echoes And Empires #2) Synopsis

This riveting sequel to Echoes and Empires sees Joss and Jericho team up with some of their greatest enemies—including two of the most powerful mages in the world—to bring an end to the queen’s empire of lies, from New York Times bestselling author Morgan Rhodes.

Josslyn Drake is in over her head—again. After fleeing the Queen’s palace with Prince Elian in tow, she’d hoped to finally find a way to solve both of their magical problems in one fell swoop, with the help of criminal-turned-ally Jericho Nox. But Valery, Jericho’s boss—and a notoriously powerful mage—has other plans.

It soon becomes clear that Valery can’t, or won’t, provide assistance. And as Joss’s relationship with Jericho becomes more confusing than ever, she realizes that she’ll have to find her own way out of this magical mess, with or without help from those around her.

Amid high tensions, Joss sets out to learn to control the memory magic—along with her own natural powers. As the struggle between Lord Banyon and the Queen threatens the people Joss cares about, she stumbles onto hints of a monumental royal secret. Her unwanted power just might hold the answers she needs to solve all her problems—but she’ll have to work quickly, because the fate of an empire hangs in the balance.

Morgan Rhodes

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