Letters From My Sister

Letters From My Sister
Letters From My Sister
Letters From My Sister

This title has a release date of August 15, 2023. See below for more information.

Publisher: Revell

Letters From My Sister Release Date

Letters From My Sister releases August 15, 2023

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Countdown to the release of Letters From My Sister


August 15, 2023

Letters From My Sister released on August 15, 2023.

Letters From My Sister Synopsis

Two Sisters. One Single Event. A Family Changed Forever.

At the turn of the twentieth century, sisters Emmy and Callie Bullock are living a privileged life as the only daughters of a wealthy Alabama cotton farmer when their well-ordered household gets turned upside down by the arrival of Lily McGee. Arrestingly beautiful, Lily quickly–and innocently–draws the wrong kind of attention. Meanwhile, Callie meets a man who offers her the freedom to abandon social constraints and discover her truest self.

After Lily has a baby, Callie witnesses something she was never meant to see–or did she? Her memory is a haze, just an image in her mind of Emmy standing on a darkened riverbank and cradling Lily’s missing baby girl. Only when the sisters are separated does the truth slowly come to light through their letters–including a revelation that will shape the rest of Callie’s life.

Bestselling author Valerie Fraser Luesse weaves a complex and suspenseful tale dripping with intrigue, romance, and Southern charm

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