Listen For The Lie

Listen For The Lie
Listen For The Lie
Listen For The Lie

This title has a release date of March 5, 2024. See below for more information.

Written by: Amy Tintera

Listen For The Lie Release Date

Listen For The Lie releases March 5, 2024

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Countdown to the release of Listen For The Lie


March 5, 2024

Listen For The Lie released on March 5, 2024.

Listen For The Lie Synopsis

A true crime podcast has ruined Lucy Chase’s life.

Well, ruined her life for the second time. Her life came crashing down the first time the night her best friend Savvy was murdered. A murder her whole Texas hometown believes Lucy committed after she was found wandering the streets, covered in her friend’s blood the morning after a wedding that went terribly wrong. A night Lucy can’t remember a minute of – some say conveniently can’t remember. But the whole town talks, and lies have a way of sounding better than the truth.

Lucy and Savvy were golden girls in Plumpton, Texas. Pretty, smart, and enviable. Definitely enviable. Lucy married a dream guy with a big ring and an even bigger new home to start her perfect life with. Savvy was the social butterfly loved by all, and if you believe the rumors, especially popular with the men in town.

And now those rumors are getting national attention as the hit true crime podcast “Listen for the Lie,” and its host Ben Owens, have decided to investigate Savvy’s murder for the show’s second season. As the town begins to tell versions of what happened and who Lucy is to a nationwide, true crime obsessed audience, at the bequest of her grandmother, Lucy returns to the place she vowed never to set foot in again to solve her friend’s murder, even if she is the one that did it.

There are lies we tell our family. Those we tell our husbands. Our best friends, and even ourselves. The truth is out there, if we just listen. Listen for the Lie is Luckiest Girl Alive meets Serial, an incredibly propulsive page turner.

Genre: Mystery

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