Luca (Belles & Mobsters #7)

Luca (Belles & Mobsters #7)
Luca (Belles & Mobsters #7)
Luca (Belles & Mobsters #7)

This title has a release date of December 1, 2022. See below for more information.

Written by: Eva Winners

Luca (Belles & Mobsters #7) Release Date

Luca (Belles & Mobsters #7) releases December 1, 2022

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Countdown to the release of Luca (Belles & Mobsters #7)


December 1, 2022

Luca (Belles & Mobsters #7) released on December 1, 2022.

Luca (Belles & Mobsters #7) Synopsis

Luca King.
The notorious playboy.
A master of one night stands.
My constant shadow.

Wherever I went, he was always there. Until he wasn’t. One wild night at a masquerade party was all it took. I got pregnant, broke my engagement, and failed my family.

The worst part.

I had no idea who the father of my baby was. I had only one clue. A Prince Albert piercing. Not exactly a smoking gun.

My parents disowned me after I refused to marry the prospects they presented. It wasn’t my fault I became gun shy. The last four men I met ended up dead. It was safer to have this baby on my own.

Our world was a dangerous one. And without the protection of my family… I was running out of time.

So it left me with no choice but to disappear, leaving no trace of where I went.

That was until Luca King found me at my lowest.

Maybe I should have tried harder to stay hidden because he would surely be my destruction.

Eva Winners

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