Mariko Between Worlds

Mariko Between Worlds
Mariko Between Worlds
Mariko Between Worlds

This title has a release date of August 22, 2023. See below for more information.

Mariko Between Worlds Release Date

Mariko Between Worlds releases August 22, 2023

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Countdown to the release of Mariko Between Worlds


August 22, 2023

Mariko Between Worlds released on August 22, 2023.

Mariko Between Worlds Synopsis

Mariko and Rem are breaking up but they have one last night together in the Mall of Portals, an inter-dimensional consumerist heaven full of unending vice, before Rem takes his new job doing data entry on the Moon of Plenty. With a couple hours to spare, no personal repercussions and entire dimensions at their fingertips — what’s the worse that could happen?

This out of this world rom-com is straight out of the year 2099, but speaks to a feeling that time will never change. The fear of loss. Artist Liana Kangas teams up with author Matthew Erman to create a world of lust and star dust. Find yourself navigating the human condition with the most out of this galaxy characters. Mariko Between Worlds is a realistic down to earth graphic novel completely off the wall swarming with magic portals and sexy aliens.

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