Miss Determined (Mischief In Mayfair #7)

Miss Determined (Mischief In Mayfair #7)
Miss Determined (Mischief In Mayfair #7)
Miss Determined (Mischief In Mayfair #7)

This title has a release date of May 23, 2023. See below for more information.

Written by: Grace Burrowes

Miss Determined (Mischief In Mayfair #7) Release Date

Miss Determined (Mischief In Mayfair #7) releases May 23, 2023

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Countdown to the release of Miss Determined (Mischief In Mayfair #7)


May 23, 2023

Miss Determined (Mischief In Mayfair #7) released on May 23, 2023.

Miss Determined (Mischief In Mayfair #7) Synopsis

A Marquess of Meager Means

Trevor, Marquess of Tavistock, has finally decided to stop larking around on the Continent, come home, and take a bride. His solicitors applaud his decision to settle down, provided he chooses a wealthy young lady to be his marchioness. To Trevor’s dismay, the years he spent seeing the world went badly for the lordly coffers.

Will it be truth or true love?

Trevor is reluctant to consign himself to a mercenary marriage, and instead considers selling off some of his smaller properties. While inspecting his Berkshire holdings under an assumed name, he meets Miss Amaryllis DeWitt. Her family is desperately trying to find a title for her to marry, and she does have the most lovely fortune, but she thinks Trevor is an aspiring beer merchant, and he thinks the truth might get him drop-kicked back to France!

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