My Side Of The River

My Side Of The River
My Side Of The River
My Side Of The River

This title has a release date of February 13, 2024. See below for more information.

My Side Of The River Release Date

My Side Of The River releases February 13, 2024

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My Side Of The River Release Date


February 13, 2024

My Side Of The River Release Date

My Side Of The River released on February 13, 2024.

My Side Of The River Synopsis

Elizabeth Camarillo Gutierrez reveals her experience as the U.S. born daughter of immigrants and what happened when, at fifteen, her parents were forced back to Mexico in this galvanizing yet tender memoir.

Born to Mexican immigrants south of the Rillito River in Tucson, Arizona, Elizabeth had the world at her fingertips as she entered her freshman year of high school as the number one student. But suddenly, Elizabeth’s own country took away the most important right a child a right to have a family.

As her parents’ visas expired, they were forced to return to Mexico, leaving Elizabeth responsible for her younger brother, as well as her education. Determined to break the cycle of being “a statistic,” she knew that even though her parents couldn’t stay, there was no way she could let go of the opportunities the U.S. could provide.

Armed with only her passport and sheer teenage determination, Elizabeth became what her school would eventually describe as an unaccompanied, homeless youth, one of thousands of underage victims affected by family separation due to broken immigration laws. For fans of Educated by Tara Westover and The Distance Between Us by Reyna Grande, My Side of the River explores separation, generational trauma, and the toll of the American dream. It’s also, at its core, a love story between a brother and a sister who, no matter the cost, is determined to make the pursuit of his own dreams easier than it was for her.

Looking for the next Elizabeth Camarillo Gutierrez book? Check out other new and upcoming Elizabeth Camarillo Gutierrez releases!


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