Nineteen Claws And A Black Bird: Stories

Nineteen Claws and a Black Bird: Stories
Nineteen Claws and a Black Bird: Stories
Nineteen Claws And A Black Bird: Stories

This title has a release date of June 20, 2023. See below for more information.

Publisher: Scribner

Nineteen Claws And A Black Bird: Stories Release Date

Nineteen Claws And A Black Bird: Stories releases June 20, 2023

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Nineteen Claws And A Black Bird: Stories Release Date


June 20, 2023

Nineteen Claws And A Black Bird: Stories Release Date

Nineteen Claws And A Black Bird: Stories released on June 20, 2023.

Nineteen Claws And A Black Bird: Stories Synopsis

A collection of nineteen dark, wildly imaginative short stories from the author of the award-winning TikTok sensation Tender Is the Flesh.

From celebrated author Agustina Bazterrica, this collection of nineteen brutal, darkly funny short stories takes into our deepest fears and through our most disturbing fantasies. Through stories about violence, alienation, and dystopia, Bazterrica’s vision of the human experience emerges in complex, unexpected ways—often unsettling, sometimes thrilling, and always profound. In “Roberto,” a girl claims to have a rabbit between her legs. A woman’s neighbor jumps to his death in “A Light, Swift, and Monstrous Sound,” and in “Candy Pink,” a woman fails to contend with a difficult breakup in five easy steps.

Written in Bazterrica’s signature clever, vivid style, these stories question love, friendship, family relationships, and unspeakable desires.

Looking for the next Agustina Bazterrica book? Check out other new and upcoming Agustina Bazterrica releases!


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