Ocean’s Godori

Ocean's Godori

This title has a release date of April 23, 2024. See below for more information.

Ocean's Godori Release Date

Ocean's Godori releases April 23, 2024

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Ocean's Godori Release Date


April 23, 2024

Ocean's Godori Release Date

Ocean's Godori released on April 23, 2024.

Ocean's Godori Synopsis

Ocean Yoon has never felt like much of a Korean, even if she is descended from a long line of haenyeo, Jeju Island’s beloved female divers. She’s also persona non grata at the Alliance, Korea’s solar system-dominating space agency, since a mission went awry and she earned a reputation for being a little too quick with her gun.

When her best friend, Teo, second son of the Anand Tech empire, is framed for murdering his family, Ocean and her misfit crewmates are pushed to the forefront of a high-stakes ideological conflict. But dodging bullets and winning space chases may be the easiest part of what comes next.

A thrilling adventure across the solar that delivers hyperkinetic action sequences and irresistible will-they-won’t-they romance alongside its nuanced exploration of colonialism and capitalism, Ocean’s Godori ultimately asks: What do we owe our past? How do we navigate our present while honoring the complicated facets of our identity? What can our future hold?

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