One Extra Corpse (Silver Screen Mystery #2)

One Extra Corpse (Silver Screen Mystery #2)
One Extra Corpse (Silver Screen Mystery #2)
One Extra Corpse (Silver Screen Mystery #2)

This title has a release date of March 7, 2023. See below for more information.

Written by: Barbara Hambly

One Extra Corpse (Silver Screen Mystery #2) Release Date

One Extra Corpse (Silver Screen Mystery #2) releases March 7, 2023

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Countdown to the release of One Extra Corpse (Silver Screen Mystery #2)


March 7, 2023

One Extra Corpse (Silver Screen Mystery #2) released on March 7, 2023.

One Extra Corpse (Silver Screen Mystery #2) Synopsis

Hollywood intrigue, glamor . . . and murder: Enter the roaring twenties in this thrilling Silver Screen historical mystery, starring two very different female sleuths.

“Everything feels just right: the characters are abundantly human, the mystery is beautifully constructed, and the Hollywood milieu is vividly realized” Booklist Starred Review

Hambly’s outstanding sequel to 2021’s Scandal in Babylon showcases the author’s wit and her compassion for the underdog” Publishers Weekly Starred Review 

May, 1924. It’s been seven months since young British widow Emma Blackstone arrived in Hollywood to serve as companion to Kitty Flint: her beautiful, silent-movie star sister-in-law. Kitty is generous, kind-hearted . . . and a truly terrible actress. Not that Emma minds; she’s too busy making her academic parents turn in their graves with her new job writing painfully historically inaccurate scenarios for Foremost Studios, in between wrangling their leading lady out of the arms of her army of amorous suitors.

So when one of Kitty’s old flames, renowned film director Ernst Zapolya, calls Emma and tells her it’s imperative he meet with Kitty that morning, she’s not surprised. Until, that is, he adds that lives depend on it. Ernst sounds frightened. But what can have scared him so badly – and what on earth does cheerful, flighty Kitty have to do with it?

Only Ernst can provide the answers, and Kitty and Emma travel to the set of his extravagant new movie to find them. But the shocking discovery they make there only raises further questions . . . including: will they stay alive long enough to solve the murderous puzzle?

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