Playing For Keeps

Playing For Keeps

This title has a release date of June 27, 2023. See below for more information.

Written by: Tristen Crone

Playing For Keeps Release Date

Playing For Keeps releases June 27, 2023

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Countdown to the release of Playing For Keeps


June 27, 2023

Playing For Keeps released on June 27, 2023.

Playing For Keeps Synopsis

Farren puts on a good front, feigning confidence despite literally not fitting into society’s narrow ideas of beauty and success. Inside, she’s stuck, afraid to put herself and her ideas out there, especially the board game design she’s kept a secret. She keeps things light and temporary—both at work as a substitute teacher and in her relationships.

Overworked Sebastian abhors anything that gets in the way of his goals, including procuring the perfect pastry. The two meet when Sebastian accuses her of stealing his pastry in an amusing and awkward café incident. When Farren gets in the way of his coffee order with her huge personality she turns out to be even more than he bargained for.

Instead of shrinking beneath his usually intimidating stare, Farren issues a challenge back: take a second away from his phone calendar with its down-to-the-minute scheduling and play her for it—live a little. If Sebastian wins the board game battle he gets to keep his precious croissant, if she wins he has to join their game night next week.

Just who will be the victor in this game of love?

Tristen Crone

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