Sasquatch Moon (Vampire For Hire #26)

Sasquatch Moon (Vampire for Hire #26)
Sasquatch Moon (Vampire for Hire #26)
Sasquatch Moon (Vampire For Hire #26)

This title has a release date of May 26, 2022. See below for more information.

Written by: J.R. Rain

Publisher: Rain Press

Sasquatch Moon (Vampire For Hire #26) Release Date

Sasquatch Moon (Vampire For Hire #26) releases May 26, 2022

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Sasquatch Moon (Vampire For Hire #26) Release Date


May 26, 2022

Sasquatch Moon (Vampire For Hire #26) Release Date

Sasquatch Moon (Vampire For Hire #26) released on May 26, 2022.

Sasquatch Moon (Vampire For Hire #26) Synopsis

When Samantha Moon is hired on by a film crew to help hunt for the most elusive creature of them all, she’s pretty sure they have the wrong person.

Turns out this is a super well-funded expedition, and the eccentric backer is sparing no expense, including hiring, among dozens of other specialists, a private investigator—someone trained to find the missing.

And there is nothing more missing than Bigfoot.

The logic almost makes sense to Sam. But the money is right and the vampire private eye finds herself intrigued. After all, even among her fellow supernaturals, the creature known as Sasquatch is thought to be myth only.

When the team arrives at the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State, Sam is drawn to the bear guard, a tough as nails man named Wally Seymour hired to keep the expedition safe; after all, Wally seems particularly adept in the forest…

But it’s when Sam heads out into the woods on her own reconnaissance mission that things get interesting. Turns out, the vampire detective is particularly adept at finding elusive creatures who don’t want to be found.

And when Samantha sees a disturbing image in the team leader’s mind—an image of death and mayhem—she understands there’s more at play here than a simple expedition to find the world’s most popular cryptid.

The hunt is on—but who is hunting whom?

J.R. Rain

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