Silent Bones (DI Kelly Porter #11)

Silent Bones (DI Kelly Porter #11)
Silent Bones (DI Kelly Porter #11)
Silent Bones (DI Kelly Porter #11)

This title has a release date of June 27, 2023. See below for more information.

Written by: Rachel Lynch

Publisher: Canelo

Silent Bones (DI Kelly Porter #11) Release Date

Silent Bones (DI Kelly Porter #11) releases June 27, 2023

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Countdown to the release of Silent Bones (DI Kelly Porter #11)


June 27, 2023

Silent Bones (DI Kelly Porter #11) released on June 27, 2023.

Silent Bones (DI Kelly Porter #11) Synopsis

The discovery of a skeleton in Thirlmere Reservoir has shaken the tight-knit community of Pooley Bridge.

For DI Kelly Porter, the case quickly becomes personal when the bones are revealed to be the remains of an old classmate. Brian Miller was just seventeen when he went missing over twenty years ago.

A day later, another body is found in a caravan park, its head broken and bloody. Jason Cooper had been a friend of Brian’s, and one of the last people known to see him alive.

Kelly suspects these two crimes are linked. But if she’s right, that means there’s a ruthless killer somewhere in her community — someone who will do anything to keep the truth buried…

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