The Absent Moon: A Memoir of A Short Childhood And A Long Depression

The Absent Moon: A Memoir of A Short Childhood And A Long Depression

This title has a release date of February 28, 2023. See below for more information.

Written by: Luiz Schwarcz

Publisher: Penguin Press

The Absent Moon: A Memoir of A Short Childhood And A Long Depression Release Date

The Absent Moon: A Memoir of A Short Childhood And A Long Depression releases February 28, 2023

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The Absent Moon: A Memoir of A Short Childhood And A Long Depression Release Date


February 28, 2023

The Absent Moon: A Memoir of A Short Childhood And A Long Depression Release Date

The Absent Moon: A Memoir of A Short Childhood And A Long Depression released on February 28, 2023.

The Absent Moon: A Memoir of A Short Childhood And A Long Depression Synopsis

A literary sensation in Brazil, Luiz Schwarcz’s brave and tender memoir interrogates his ordeal of bipolar disorder in the context of a family story of murder, dispossession, and silence—the long echo of the Holocaust across generations

When Luiz Schwarcz was a child, he was told little about his grandfather and namesake, Láios—“Luiz” in Hungarian. Only later in life did he learn that his grandfather, a devout Hungarian Jew, had defied his country’s Nazi occupiers by holding secret religious services in his home. After being put on a train to a German death camp with his son André, Láios ordered André to leap from the train to freedom at a rail crossing, while Láios himself was carried on to his death. What Luiz did know was that his father André, who had emigrated to Brazil, was an unhappy and silent man. Young Luiz assumed responsibility for his parents’ comfort, as many children of trauma do, and for a time he seemed to be succeeding: he blossomed into the family prodigy, eventually growing into a groundbreaking literary publisher in São Paulo. He found a home in the family silence—a home that he filled with books and with reading.

But then, at a high point of outward success, Luiz was brought low by a devastating mental breakdown. The Absent Moon is the story of his journey to that point and of his journey back from it, as Luiz learned to forge a more honest relationship with his own mind, with his family, and with their shared past. The culmination of that path is this extraordinary book, which is beautiful, tragic, noble, piercingly honest, and ultimately redemptive—the product of a lifetime’s reflection, given powerful literary shape in the refiner’s fire by a master storyteller.

Luiz Schwarcz

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