The Alone Time

The Alone Time
The Alone Time
The Alone Time

This title has a release date of May 1, 2024. See below for more information.

Written by: Elle Marr

The Alone Time Release Date

The Alone Time releases May 1, 2024

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Countdown to the release of The Alone Time


May 1, 2024

The Alone Time released on May 1, 2024.

The Alone Time Synopsis

For two sisters, confronting the past could come at a terrible price in a riveting novel about a family tragedy―and family secrets―by the #1 Amazon Charts bestselling author Elle Marr.

Fiona and Violet Seng were just children when their family’s Cessna crash-landed in the Washington wilderness, claiming the lives of their parents. For twelve harrowing weeks, the girls fended for themselves before being rescued.

Twenty-five years later, they’re still trying to move on from the trauma. Fiona repurposes it into controversial works of art. Violet has battled addiction and failed relationships to finally progress toward normalcy as a writer. The estranged sisters never speak about what they call their Alone Time in the wild. They wouldn’t dare―until they become the subject of a documentary that renews public fascination with the “girl survivors” and questions their version of the events.

When disturbing details about the Seng family are exposed, a strange woman claims to know the crash was deliberate. Fiona and Violet must come together to face the horrifying truth of what happened out there and what they learned about their parents and themselves. Before any other secrets emerge from the woods.

Elle Marr

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