The Bloodless Princes (The Fireborne Blade #2)

The Bloodless Princes (The Fireborne Blade #2)
The Bloodless Princes (The Fireborne Blade #2)
The Bloodless Princes (The Fireborne Blade #2)

This title has a release date of October 29, 2024. See below for more information.

The Bloodless Princes (The Fireborne Blade #2) Release Date

The Bloodless Princes (The Fireborne Blade #2) releases October 29, 2024

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Countdown to the release of The Bloodless Princes (The Fireborne Blade #2)


October 29, 2024

The Bloodless Princes (The Fireborne Blade #2) is slated to release October 29, 2024.

The Bloodless Princes (The Fireborne Blade #2) Synopsis

Orpheus meets A Natural History of Dragons in a tale of death, honor and true love’s embrace.

It seemed the afterlife was bustling.

Cursed by the previous practitioner in her new role, and following an… incident… with a supremely powerful dragon, High Mage Saralene visits the afterlife with a boon to beg of the Bloodless Princes who run the underworld.

But Saralene and her most trusted advisor/champion/companion, Sir Maddileh, will soon discover that there’s only so much research to be done by studying the old tales, though perhaps there’s enough truth in them to make a start.

Saralene will need more than just her wits to leave the underworld, alive. And Maddileh will need more than just her Fireborne Blade.

A story of love and respect that endures beyond death. And of dragons, because we all love a dragon!

Genre: Fantasy

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