The End of Sleep

The End of Sleep

This title has a release date of May 3, 2022. See below for more information.

Written by: Vyvyan Evans

The End of Sleep Release Date

The End of Sleep releases May 3, 2022

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The End of Sleep Release Date


May 3, 2022

The End of Sleep Release Date

The End of Sleep released on May 3, 2022.

The End of Sleep Synopsis

What connects a new highly addictive gaming app, viral conspiracy theories by the mysterious Dark Court, and a fatal insomnia pandemic? Enter Lilith King, the world’s most famous cybercrime detective.

Lilith had always known she was different. Attitude to burn, for one thing. The strange chanting in her head since she was seven, for another. And then, the Aura, the sensory disturbance that makes her sick to the pit of her stomach, seemingly coinciding with the new, strange apparition that’s haunting her. She also has the ability to solve crime through touch alone. Together with Dr. Kace Westwood, a sleep specialist genius and a freak like her, Lilith must figure out whether the deadly insomnia pandemic is linked to the vagus chip implants being offered to all qualifying Unskills. Or are people’s language chips being hacked? And why is only the lowest soc-ed class being targeted?

In a desperate race against time to save billions of people, Lilith must confront shocking revelations about her origins and destiny, while attempting to save the one she loves.


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