The French Art of Living Well

The French Art of Living Well: Finding Joie de Vivre in the Everyday World
The French Art of Living Well: Finding Joie de Vivre in the Everyday World
The French Art of Living Well: Finding Joie de Vivre in the Everyday World

This title has a release date of May 23, 2023. See below for more information.

Written by: Cathy Yandell

The French Art of Living Well: Finding Joie de Vivre in the Everyday World Release Date

The French Art of Living Well: Finding Joie de Vivre in the Everyday World releases May 23, 2023

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The French Art of Living Well: Finding Joie de Vivre in the Everyday World Release Date


May 23, 2023

The French Art of Living Well: Finding Joie de Vivre in the Everyday World Release Date

The French Art of Living Well: Finding Joie de Vivre in the Everyday World released on May 23, 2023.

The French Art of Living Well: Finding Joie de Vivre in the Everyday World Synopsis

In the tradition of Bringing up Bebe and French Toast, Cathy Yandell’s The French Art of Living Well is a delightful look at French culture, from literature to cuisine to humor and more, showing how the French have captured that magic elixir known as joie de vivre.

What is joie de vivre, and why is it a fundamentally French concept?

In search of those ineffable qualities that make up the joy of living, this lively book takes readers on a voyage to France through forays into literature, history, and culture. How does art contribute to daily life? Why is cuisine such a central part of French existence? Why are the French more physical than many other cultures? How do French attitudes toward time speak volumes about their sense of pleasure and celebration? And finally, to what extent is this zest for life exportable? These and other questions give way to a dynamic sketch of French life today.

Peppered with anecdotes and humor, this book uncovers some of the secrets of the celebrated French art of living well. Drawing from her years of living in France as a student, professor, and mother, Yandell crafts an honest and profound appraisal of French culture and how la joie de vivre can be developed in anyone’s life.

Cathy Yandell

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