The Obsessive

The Obsessive
The Obsessive
The Obsessive

This title has a release date of January 1, 2025. See below for more information.

Written by: Nykkie Baldwin

Publisher: Kindle

The Obsessive Release Date

The Obsessive releases January 1, 2025

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Countdown to the release of The Obsessive


January 1, 2025

The Obsessive is slated to release January 1, 2025.

The Obsessive Synopsis

If your life is dull, why not get a new one?

When I met her, my blood boiled. She was gorgeous, clever, rich and charismatic. She was everything I had never been and always wanted to be. I thus took over all she had: her appearance, her job, her bank account, her house, her car and even her fiancé. I buried both her body and my old life inside the same coffin and today I do not regret a thing. I am done with New York’s dodgy neighbourhoods, I am done with bailiffs knocking at my door, I am over and done with cellulite and failing love relationships. Today, I am her and everything is going brilliantly.

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