The Paris Agent

The Paris Agent Release Date
The Paris Agent Release Date
The Paris Agent

This title has a release date of July 11, 2023. See below for more information.

Written by: Kelly Rimmer

The Paris Agent Release Date

The Paris Agent releases July 11, 2023

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Countdown to the release of The Paris Agent


July 11, 2023

The Paris Agent released on July 11, 2023.

The Paris Agent Synopsis

For fans of fast-paced historical thrillers like Our Woman in Moscow and The Rose Code, Kelly Rimmer’s dramatic new novel follows two female SOE operatives whose lives will be determined by a double agent in their midst. 

Twenty-five years after the end of the war, Noah Ainsworth is still preoccupied with those perilous, exhilarating years as a British SOE operative in France. A head injury sustained on his final operation has caused frustrating gaps in his memories —in particular about the agent who saved his life during that mission gone wrong, whose real name he never knew, nor whether she even survived the war. Moved by her father’s frustration, Noah’s daughter Charlotte begins a search for answers that resurrects the stories of Chloe and Fleur, the code names for two otherwise ordinary women whose lives intersect in 1943 when they’re called up by the SOE for deployment in France. Taking enormous risks to support the allied troops with very little information or resources, the women have no idea they’re at the mercy of a double agent among them who’s causing chaos within the French circuits, whose efforts will affect the outcome of their lives…and the war.

But as Charlotte’s search for answers bears fruit, overlooked clues come to light about the identity of the double agent—with unsettling hints pointing close to home—and more mysteries are unearthed from the dangerous, dramatic last days of the war that lead to Chloe and Fleur’s eventual fates.

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