The Rescue

The Rescue
The Rescue
The Rescue

This title has a release date of April 25, 2023. See below for more information.

The Rescue Release Date

The Rescue releases April 25, 2023

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Countdown to the release of The Rescue


April 25, 2023

The Rescue released on April 25, 2023.

The Rescue Synopsis

The Rescue is a gripping thriller that explores the strength of the human-animal bond and how far we will go to protect what we love by three-time Edgar Award winner and New York Times bestselling author T. Jefferson Parker.

While reporting on a Tijuana animal shelter, journalist Bettina Blazak falls in love with one of her story’s subjects―an adorable Mexican street dog who is being treated for a mysterious gunshot wound. Bettina impulsively adopts the dog, who she names Felix after the veterinarian who saved him.

In investigating Felix’s past, Bettina discovers that his life is nothing like what she assumed. For one thing, he’s not a Mexican street dog at all. A former DEA drug-sniffing dog, Felix has led a very colorful, dangerous, and profitable life. With Bettina’s story going viral, some interesting people are looking for Felix, making him a target―again.

Bettina soon finds herself drawn into a deadly criminal underworld from which she and her beloved dog may not return.

Other Forge Books by T. Jefferson Parker:
A Thousand Steps

T. Jefferson Parker

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