The Sun And The Void

The Sun And The Void
The Sun And The Void
The Sun And The Void

This title has a release date of July 25, 2023. See below for more information.

The Sun And The Void Release Date

The Sun And The Void releases July 25, 2023

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Countdown to the release of The Sun And The Void


July 25, 2023

The Sun And The Void released on July 25, 2023.

The Sun And The Void Synopsis

Set in a lush world inspired by the history and folklore of South America, The Sun and the Void is a sweeping epic fantasy of colonialism and country, ancient magic, and a young woman’s quest for belonging. 

When Reina arrives at Aguila Manor, her heart stolen from her chest, she’s on the verge of death—until her estranged grandmother, a dark sorceress in the Don’s employ, intervenes.  Indebted to a woman she never knew, and smitten with the upper-caste daughter of the house, Celeste, Reina will do anything to earn–and keep–the family’s favor. Even the bidding of the ancient god who speaks to her from the Manor’s foundations. To save the woman she loves, Reina will have to defy the gods themselves, and become something she never could have imagined.

Gabriela Romero Lacruz

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