Then Everything Happens At Once

Then Everything Happens at Once
Then Everything Happens at Once
Then Everything Happens At Once

This title has a release date of January 31, 2023. See below for more information.

Written by: M.E. Girard

Publisher: HarperCollins

Then Everything Happens At Once Release Date

Then Everything Happens At Once releases January 31, 2023

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Countdown to the release of Then Everything Happens At Once


January 31, 2023

Then Everything Happens At Once released on January 31, 2023.

Then Everything Happens At Once Synopsis

From Lambda award–winning and acclaimed author of Girl Mans Up, M-E Girard, comes a stand-alone sex-positive coming-of-age story about a teen named Baylee who’s torn between her heart and her hormones as she navigates her feelings for her best friend, Freddie, and new friend, Alex. Perfect for fans of Fat Chance, Charlie Vega.

Sixteen-year-old Baylee has never been kissed, but she wants to do way more than that. She’s had a huge crush on her gorgeous best friend and neighbor, Freddie, for years, but since she doesn’t look like the type he normally dates, the judgmental voice in her head tells her he’ll never see her as more than a friend.

Then Baylee meets Alex online and she starts to fall for this sweet, funny barista who likes her just as she is. But when Freddie makes a move on Baylee and a virus shuts the world down, Baylee will find herself torn as everything starts happening at once and she navigates the messy waters of love and desire. It helps that she’s observed her friends’ relationship drama, so she knows exactly what mistakes not to make . . . right?

M-E Girard delivers a rich, honest, boundary pushing story about a girl exploring her desires.

M.E. Girard

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