Untitled (The Villetti Chronicles #3.5)

Alex Stern #2
Alex Stern #2
Untitled (The Villetti Chronicles #3.5)

Written by: Sarah Bailey

Untitled (The Villetti Chronicles #3.5) Release Date

Untitled (The Villetti Chronicles #3.5) releases 2023

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Countdown to the release of Untitled (The Villetti Chronicles #3.5)


Untitled (The Villetti Chronicles #3.5) released on .

Untitled (The Villetti Chronicles #3.5) Synopsis

Sofia Villetti’s book – more info coming soon!

A dark romance set in Sarah Bailey’s Dark Universe. This is a standalone in an interconnected series.

This novella is #3.5 in the series and best read after book 3.

This is a DARK romance and therefore comes with a content warning. Please see author’s website for full details.

Sarah Bailey

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