

This title has a release date of November 8, 2022. See below for more information.

Winterhorn Release Date

Winterhorn releases November 8, 2022

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Countdown to the release of Winterhorn


November 8, 2022

Winterhorn released on November 8, 2022.

Winterhorn Synopsis

An apparently inexplicable fire that brought the village of Sallncoln to its knees, sets young Lorian, a disabled boy, on an unexpected path. A path where magic becomes truer than the tales he has been recounted and more palpable than his wildest dreams; fate provides him with a token of benevolence, a magically imbued knife that belonged to his grandfather.Because of it, his life changes and he will soon find out that orcs, imps, witches and wizards and even mighty dragons still exist. Yet their existence is threatened by the greed of Felduror, a mad, old wizard who will stop at nothing to try and collect all of the precious artifacts to use their powers.

Genre: Fantasy, YA

Nicolae Ovidiu Baiculescu

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