Bound By Death

Bound By Death
Bound By Death
Bound By Death

This title has a release date of August 4, 2023. See below for more information.

Written by: Jes Drew

Bound By Death Release Date

Bound By Death releases August 4, 2023

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Countdown to the release of Bound By Death


August 4, 2023

Bound By Death released on August 4, 2023.

Bound By Death Synopsis

The Fae Princess of Night.
The Prince of the Underworld.
The marriage that could destroy them both.

Euthalia may have been born a princess, but she knows what she truly a puppet. Her magic is a dark curse to all who look in her eyes, but an opportunity for her power-hungry father, the Lord of the Night. When he arranges her marriage to the Prince of the Underworld, she’s frightened— for her husband-to-be.

Ahmed may be his father’s only son, but he’ll never be king. Instead, his birthright is bartered away for a bride, and he finds himself wed to a stranger. Worse still, a dark bargain requires that he creates a bond between himself and his veiled bride, or else his life is forfeit.

Shrouded by darkness and illuminated by the moon, the Court of Night watches and waits as the tale unfolds. The cursed prince, the veiled bride, and the decision she must make. Flee and sentence her new husband to his doom or remain by his side and bring death to all.

Bound by Death is the tenth book in the Starry Kingdoms of the Fae Collection. These books are all standalones written by your favorite fantasy authors and are the perfect read for your summer vacation. Prepare to be swept away into magical worlds with tropes you obsess over and swoon-worthy romance.

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