Take The Lead (Dance Off #1)

Take the Lead (Dance Off #1)
Take the Lead (Dance Off #1)
Take The Lead (Dance Off #1)

This title has a release date of February 14, 2023. See below for more information.

Written by: Alexis Daria

Take The Lead (Dance Off #1) Release Date

Take The Lead (Dance Off #1) releases February 14, 2023

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Countdown to the release of Take The Lead (Dance Off #1)


February 14, 2023

Take The Lead (Dance Off #1) released on February 14, 2023.

Take The Lead (Dance Off #1) Synopsis

From Alexis Daria, author of the critically acclaimed, international bestseller You Had Me at Hola, comes a fun, sexy romance set against a reality dance show.

Gina Morales wants to make it big. In her four seasons on The Dance Off, she’s never even made it to the finals. But her latest partner, the sexy star of an Alaskan wilderness show, could be her chance. Who knew the strong, silent, survivalist-type had moves like that? She thinks Stone Nielson is her ticket to win it all―until her producer makes it clear they’re being set up for a showmance.

Joining a celebrity dance competition is the last thing Stone wants. However, he’ll endure anything to help his family, even as he fears revealing their secrets. While the fast pace of Los Angeles makes him long for the peace and privacy of home, he can’t hide his growing attraction for his dance partner. Neither wants to fake a romance for the cameras, but the explosive chemistry that flares between them is undeniable.

As Stone and Gina heat up the dance floor, the tabloids catch on to their developing romance. With the spotlight threatening to ruin everything, will they choose fame and fortune, or let love take the lead?

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