The Kingdom Is A Golden Cage

The Kingdom Is A Golden Cage
The Kingdom Is A Golden Cage
The Kingdom Is A Golden Cage

This title has a release date of August 17, 2023. See below for more information.

Written by: Lilly Inkwood

The Kingdom Is A Golden Cage Release Date

The Kingdom Is A Golden Cage releases August 17, 2023

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Countdown to the release of The Kingdom Is A Golden Cage


August 17, 2023

The Kingdom Is A Golden Cage released on August 17, 2023.

The Kingdom Is A Golden Cage Synopsis

Once upon a time there was a princess, locked in a tower, forced to bend to her father’s will… But Celine is no ordinary princess, and she has no intention of being a damsel in distress. Celine has a lover, Hugo, whose cunning plan to rescue her is tied up in his own ambition to reclaim the lands and title that are his birthright. If only they can break the spell that binds him to the body of a cat, they will free the kingdom from the grasp of a cruel witch and live happily ever after… For the plan to succeed, they must rely on Hugo’s cousin, Philippe, to whom Celine must bind herself in marriage until Hugo can be reinstated. It’s a risk to trust him, but it soon becomes clear that this is the least of their problems, because this is a land of shapeshifters, magic, and illusion, where nothing is as it seems, even the truth. This is Puss in Boots with the intrigue and backstabbing of Game of Thrones . A fairytale, but not as you know it…

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Genre: Fantasy

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