The Night Hunt

The Night Hunt
The Night Hunt
The Night Hunt

This title has a release date of October 10, 2023. See below for more information.

Written by: Alexandra Christo

The Night Hunt Release Date

The Night Hunt releases October 10, 2023

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Countdown to the release of The Night Hunt


October 10, 2023

The Night Hunt released on October 10, 2023.

The Night Hunt Synopsis

From Alexandra Christo, the author of To Kill a Kingdom, comes The Night Hunt, a dark fantasy romance about a monstrous girl who feeds on fear and the Gods-cursed boy who falls in love with her.

Atia is a monster who feeds on fear. As the last of her kind, she hides in the shadows of the world to escape the wrath of the unpredictable Gods. Silas is a Herald, carrying messages and ferrying the dead as punishment for a past he can’t remember. Stripped of his true name, he yearns to recover his identity.

Atia would never dream of allying with someone like him, but when she breaks a sacred law and the Gods send monsters to hunt her, Silas offers an irresistible deal: he’ll help avenge her family and take on the Gods who now hunt her, if she helps him break his curse and restore his humanity. All they need to do is kill three powerful creatures: a vampire, a banshee, and one of the very Gods who destroyed both their lives. Only together can they finally rewrite their destinies.

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