War, Unjust (Arte De La Guerra Saga #2)

War, Unjust (Arte De La Guerra Saga #2)

This title has a release date of December 15, 2022. See below for more information.

Written by: Veronica Lancet

War, Unjust (Arte De La Guerra Saga #2) Release Date

War, Unjust (Arte De La Guerra Saga #2) releases December 15, 2022

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Countdown to the release of War, Unjust (Arte De La Guerra Saga #2)


December 15, 2022

War, Unjust (Arte De La Guerra Saga #2) released on December 15, 2022.

War, Unjust (Arte De La Guerra Saga #2) Synopsis

“You should have never been born.”
Getting told that daily has a way of messing with one’s head.
But I didn’t let it.
I had my siblings. I had a secret best friend who understood me.
I had hope.
Until I didn’t.
One by one they all left. Abandoned me. Betrayed me.
One by one they turned me into who I am today.
The monster bearing the stench of death, blood—rot.
The bringer of vengeance—of pain and suffering.
And no one will stand in my way.
Especially not her—the girl with the unspoiled innocence and beguiling eyes.
Never her.
At the end, I will reign as I was always meant to—a king among corpses.
My name is Michele Guerra and this is my war.

War, Unjust is the second book in the Arte de la Guerra Saga. It can only be read after the War, Unfinished as it follows the same main characters. The book ends in a cliffhanger. Please be advised that this book is much darker than the first. Check the Author’s Note for a comprehensive list of triggers and warnings.

Veronica Lancet

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